Located in the resort town of Kusadasi, close to the private beach. Thanks to its convenient location, the hotel offers easy access to the most popular tourist destinations in the city.
Information about the structure and the number of rooms of the hotel: The hotel consists of four 5-storey buildings (with an elevator). The total number of rooms is 151.
Information about the structure and the number of rooms of the hotel: The hotel consists of four 5-storey buildings (with an elevator). The total number of rooms is 151.
Hotel type: Beach Hotel
- Airport: Izmir International Airport - 70 km
- Distance to the sea: 3 line
The hotel is located in the center of Kusadasi city. Distance to the sea: 700 m Distance to Kusadasi Castle: 3 km Distance to Kaleici Mosque: 1.9 km Distance to Scala Nuova shopping center: 2 km
Room types
Promo Standard Room
Land View Standard Room
Sea View Standard Room
Family Room