Green Park Hotel Taksim is the right choice for organizing meetings or other social events, weddings, conferences or seminars in 5 spacious conference rooms.
Hotel information
- Number of rooms - 186
- The building has an elevator
- Arrival time: 13:00 (local time, GMT + 2, Turkey, Istanbul)
- Departure time: 12:00 (local time, GMT + 2, Turkey, Istanbul)
Room types
- Standard
- Suite
- King Suite
In rooms
- Wi-Fi
- Baby cot
- Add. toiletries
- Minibar
- Phone
- Hair dryer
Hotel services
- 24-hour Service
- Fire alarm
- General alarm
- Wi-Fi
- Massage room
- Cameras at the entrance
- Camcorders in corridors
- Camcorders in the lobby
- Security guard at the entrance
- Steam room
- Turkish bath
Restaurants and Bars
- A la Carte Restaurant
- Lobby bar
- Vegetarian menu
Paid services
- Massage
Hotel type: beach
- Distance to the sea: 1 line
Located a minute's walk from Taksim Square, Green Park Hotel Taksim is the right choice to enjoy your stay in your room or at the hotel restaurant.