Cozy hotel located within walking distance to the city center. Suitable for young people.
Information about the structure and the number of rooms of the hotel: The hotel consists of two three-storey buildings (with an elevator). The total number of rooms is 77.
Information about the structure and the number of rooms of the hotel: The hotel consists of two three-storey buildings (with an elevator). The total number of rooms is 77.
Hotel type: City Hotel
- Airport: Bodrum International Airport - Milas - 115 km
- Closest city: Kusadasi - 0 km
- Distance to the sea: 3 line
The hotel is located in the center of Kusadasi city. Distance to the sea: 500 m to the municipal beach. Distance to Didim: 7 km. Distance to Bodrum: 2 km.
Free wi-fi
Room types
Promo Standard Room
Standard Room