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Summer Turkey with Join UP!

After over 9 years of Join UP!™ working with this destination, we've thoroughly explored its remarkable features and are delighted to share them with travelers. Next summer is not an exception.
Flights to Antalya from Tallinn, Vilnius, and Riga.
A convenient schedule with an early departure to
Turkey and a late return flight, ensuring you can
savor every day of your vacation as part of the tour!
Start of the flight program:
from Vilnius — from 22.04.2024 (2-3 times per week),
from Tallinn — from 23.04.2024 (2-3 times per week),
from Riga — from 25.04.2024 (1-2 times per week).
A Wide Range of Booking Options, including exclusive ones.
30 EUR bonus card per reservation for next trip (only for package).
Free of charge (FOC) changes:
  • One change (hotel, date, room type, duration) 14 days before departure day.
  • One name change (at least one traveler must remain the same).
Summer Tour, our trusted host company in Turkey, is our partner in developing the WARM HOSPITALITY approach — our vacation concept in this country.
Founded in Turkey in 2002, the company has welcomed over 10 million tourists and expanded into the European market.
Since 2010, Summer Tour has consistently ranked among the top 10** Turkish DMCs (Destination Management Company).
The company’s extensive hotel portfolio is notably focused on Side — one of the most favorite Turkish resorts among European travelers.
24/7 support service ready to assist tourists in case of any emergencies.

Guide in the pocket

To ensure you consistently feel our support and can promptly resolve any concerns, we've developed GUIDE IN THE POCKET, an online assistant that remains accessible no matter where you are, all in your preferred language!

Guide in the pocket

The sea always awaits you

Make the first step towards your
summer dream now!

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